Flood Insurance Michigan

When most people think of a flood, they might recall events like Hurricane Katrina or Sandy. These were massive, devastating storms that caused billions of dollars in damage.

In reality, most floods are caused by far less catastrophic situations. In fact, it only takes a few inches of standing water to cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage. Did you know that every house in the country is in a FEMA flood zone? Some flood zones are worse than others.

In most situations, there is a 30-day waiting period when you buy flood insurance, so don't wait until it's too late! Mason-McBride  Insurance can help you find


Do You Need Flood Insurance in Michigan?

In short, yes. Having flood insurance is essential to ensure your house is covered. Here are the top three reasons to purchase a flood insurance policy:

  • In the United States, flooding is the most common natural disaster
  • Most homeowners' policies do not cover damage caused by flooding
  • Federal Disaster Assistance is minimal


Homeowners Insurance Does Not Cover Flood Damage

Whether you live in Troy or any other part of Michigan, flood insurance must be purchased as a separate, stand-alone policy. It is not covered by homeowners insurance.

Flood insurance policies also reimburse you for work you and other family members did to sandbag your home, move furniture, and remove debris.

If you live in certain flood zones, your mortgage company may require that you purchase a flood insurance policy. If you live outside a high-risk zone or no longer have a mortgage, flood insurance is optional.


flood insurance quote Michigan

Flood Insurance for all Michigan Cities

We can provide you with a price comparison for any Michigan city, including but not limited to:

  • Troy
  • Birmingham
  • Royal Oak
  • Ferndale
  • Bloomfield Hills
  • Southfield
  • Beverly Hills


Flood Insurance Quotes

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Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at Mason McBride is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!